What can I do ?
Not all of us can or want to become Beekeepers, but it does not matter if you have a small patio, or a large garden, growing different flowering plants is a great way to help the bees and other pollinating insects. Pollinating insects love Nectar and Pollen rich flowers, which they need as a resource for energy and protein.
Bee-Friendly Perennials
Achillea is easy to grow but prefers a dry and sunny spot. It flowers for months and even the fading flower heads will still look attractive. Achillea is available in a wide range of colours from pastels and terracotta to strong cerise bright yellows and soft pink with an attractive feathery foliage.
Height & Spread: up to 120cm x 60cm | Position: Full sun

Echinacea, also known as coneflowers, is a very attractive plant which will bloom during the summer month above strong stems. The plant is very easy to grow, drought tolerant and requires hardly any maintenance.
Height & Spread: up to 120cm x 60cm | Position: Full sun

Gaillardia also know as Blanket Flower is a drought tolerant, tough plant that will bloom non-stop in shades of yellow, gold, red or two-tones throughout the summer.
Height & Spread: 30 x 45cm | Position: Full sun

Rudbeckia is another easy-to-care summer plant, which is loved by butterflies and bees alike and which will bloom for weeks.
Height & Spread: up to 60cm x 45cm | Position: Sun or semi shade | Flowering Period: June to September

Scabious is an easy-to-grow clumb forming hardy perennial, which will come in different colours from white to pink, red and blue.
Height & Spread: up to 45cm x 40cm | Position: Full sun | Flowering Period: July to September

Verbena species
Verbena adds both height and softness to any border, with its slender stems and purple flowers at the top while it is a low maintenance and long-lasting plant and an absolute magnet for pollinating insects.
Bee-Friendly Annuals
Zinnias are easy-to-grow flowers which stay in bloom for most of the season.Bee-Friendly Herbs
Borage is an easy growing old fashioned annual herb plant that can get up to 2 feet high. The beautiful blue star-shaped flowers hang in clusters above gray-green leaves. Both the flowers and the leaves are edible, with a cucumber-like flavor and can be added to a nice salad, but don't forget to leave some of the nectar rich flowers which are much loved by the bees.
Height & Spread: 60 x 45cm | Position: Full sun
Oregano is another great herb which bees love. It is easy to grow and can even withstand a drought.
Bee-Friendly Shrubs
Ceanothus - California lilac
A superb evergreen flowering shrub for many different species of bees. Depending on the variety, this shrub can bloom from early spring through to summer, so try to pick one which flowers early, but if you have the space add another which flowers right into autumn to offer Nectar and Pollen at different times of the year.
A very prickly but fabulous evergreen upright bushy shrub which is a real magnet for Bees. Mahonia flowers during the winter month and provides the much needed Pollen and Nectar during a time when very few plants are in flower.

Myrtle is a evergreen and bushy medium-sized shrub with tiny scented dark green leaves. End of summer Myrtle is covered with creamy-white puff flowers which are followed by purple black berries. Bees and butterflies love the flowers for its nectar and pollen and birds will feast the berries.
Height & Spread: up to 200cm x 200cm | Position: Full sun | Flowering Period: July to August